Gone too Soon

If you would like more information specifically about producing one of our plays, please email 365womenayear@gmail.com with the historical woman and the playwright in the subject line.

***Our plays are loosely based on their historical counterparts.***

Gone too Soon

Aiyana Stanley-Jones (Shot by police)/Playwright: Alyson Mead

Ala Gertner (Auschwitz, Concentration Camp, Hung)/Playwright: Arlene Hutton

Ana Orantes (Víctima de violencia machista)/Playwright: María Lourdes Vega Alonso

Anna Mae Pictou Aquash (Activist,American Indian Mov.,Murdered)/Playwright: Lucy Wang

Anne Frank (Diarist,Holocaust Victim)/Playwright: Rita Anderson

Antonieta Rivas Mercado (Theatre, Dancer, Journalist, Feminist, Suicide)/Playwright: Verónica Musalem Moreno

Barbara Grimes (Teenager,Loved Elvis,Was murdered)/Playwright: Jess Eisenberg

Celia (Enslave, trial, hanged)/Playwright: Cari A. Hopson

Claudette Osborne-Tyo (Mother/Stolen Sister/Cree)/Playwright: Trish Ayers

Coreen Thomas (Murdered, First Nations)/Playwright: Sheree Bradford-Lea

Ethel Rosenberg (convicted spy)/Playwright: Edward Morris

Hannah Ocuish (Pequot, Juvenile Execution) Playwright: Samantha Hill

Hannah Reynolds (Death by cannonball before end of Civil War)/Playwright: J.Lois Diamond

Helen Jewett (Prostitute, Poet, Murdered, Court Trial) /Playwright: LuLu LoLo

Joan of Arc (Burnt at the stake, Religious,Military)/Playwright: Coni Ciongoli Koepfinger

Josefa “Chipita” Rodriguez (Wrongfully Hanged)/Playwright: Susan Long Haga

Leelah Alcorn (Transgender, Suicide)/Playwright: Allie Costa

Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos –(Cuban-American, a doctor embalmed her after death and kept her)/Playwright: Julie Lyn Barber (2018)

Norma Lee Dean (anxiety, juvenile, prison, mental illness, suicide)/Playwright: Catherine Frid

Reyhanah Jabbarti (Hung despite global outrage for murdering rapist)/Playwright: Michael Tooher

Valerie Shillito (Died of Typhoid,Friend of Renee Vivien)/Playwright: Jess Eisenberg

Vivian Strong (Her death triggered race riots)/Playwright: Monica Bauer

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